Christian Academy of Carrollton
1703 Easterday Road, Carrollton, KY 41008 (502) 732-4734
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6
Christian Academy of Carrollton strives to assist parents in fulfilling their God-given responsibility for the training of their children through:
- Biblically-integrated curriculum
- Christian based textbooks
- Daily Bible classes and devotions
- Friday chapel services
- Christ-centered extracurricular activities and events
- Student ministries and service opportunities
- Caring, qualified Christian teachers and administration
Christ-Centered Education
Students study from the challenging A Beka curriculum, which encourages adademic excellence and character building.
Beyond strong English, Math, History, and Science, highlights of the curriculum include:
- Reading, cursive writing, and phonics beginning in K4
- Technology training in our up-to-date computer lab for all grades
- Middle School also offers Saxon Pre-Algebra & Algebra I, as well as Art, Music, Creative Writing, Spanish, Language Arts, Science, Computer, etc.
- High School offers a work co-op program in conjunction with area industries and businesses.
- High School offers dual enrollment options to earn college credit.
- Proven success in producing scholarship winners in programs such as "Governor's Scholars"
- In addition, CAC has teamed with Sevenstar Academy to give our students a wider variety of course options. Several different foreign languages, advance placement courses, college courses, interesting Bible studies and much more is now available.
Students may also participate in private music lessons or with keyboarding, piano, band instruments, guitar, and/or band or choir, in elective classes such as journalism and speech/drama, and on sports (archery, basketball, cross country, and volleyball), Spanish club, missions, and academic teams.